Top 3 Most Common New Year's Resolutions to Make Your Year Amazing

We have been looking forward to this fresh start for a while now, looking forward to all the possibilities it would bring, and all the change we intend to implement. Now that it’s finally here, it’s time to put our money where our mouths are. Starting is easy, it’s following through every day for the next 365 days that is challenging; we, at our limo service in Chicago, know this all too well. Nonetheless, we shouldn’t let this take away the excitement of yet another chance to reach our goals because great things are rarely achieved where there is no enthusiasm.

As such, we have compiled a list of some common New Year’s resolutions that you can take up this year to make it a success. You may have your own personal ambitions but it is important to note that the reason these resolutions are common is that they are at the very pinnacle of human aspiration/ambition. We, at our Chicago ground transportation service, would like to encourage you to incorporate some, or all, of these resolutions into your goals for 2019.

1. Enjoy Life

Well, this one is a little obvious, we all love having fun and enjoying ourselves. But what does it actually mean when we say that we want to enjoy our lives some more? Well this is one question only you can answer because it is very subjective. Everyone has their own definition of fun and maybe you haven’t been engaging in yours enough, which has left you feeling like life is dull. Maybe enjoying life for you means traveling more, spending time with your friends, creating more time for exercise, or even finding some more time to sit alone quietly. Whatever it may be, be very clear about what makes you happy and make it your mission this year to pursue it on a daily basis for a more fulfilling 2019.

2. Eat Better and Exercise

This is also a common theme in New Year’s resolutions because when our bodies are healthy and in shape we feel better about ourselves, we feel more confident, and we are more energetic, which increases our chances for success in the pursuit of our goals. Therefore, make it a priority to eat better and get some exercise done each day this year. Note, however, we should not set ourselves up for failure; we should keep our expectations of ourselves realistic. For example, it is impossible to hit the gym or eat vegetables every single day, there will be days when this is not possible and you should allow yourself that wiggle room, provided you are not simply just making excuses.

3. Financial Management

It can be extremely difficult to master the art of money management but if others can master it, then it is achievable. Put in some practical measures this year to help you keep a closer eye on how you are dispensing your money. You can even employ the help of Apps such as TrackMySpend to help you budget your resources and save/invest just as much as you intend to this year.

There are so many ways you can make your 2019 outstanding, and our Connecticut limo service friends at Elite Limousine have prepared a special blog dedicated to travelers – Travel Tips: New Year Resolutions for Travelers.

Posted on Jan 03 2019