Time management is the most important aspect of any entrepreneur’s life. If you’ve yet to learn how to properly manage your time, you’re doing yourself and your business a great disservice. We know it’s not always a simple task to manage your time, but it’s not impossible all the time. Our chauffeurs are excellent at managing their time because that’s our business. If our time isn’t managed well, our customer’s time is wasted. Since we like to prevent our customers from feeling their time is wasted, we thought we might share a few of our excellent time management tips with you so you can avoid wasted time and wasted money.
Hire a Car Service
If you want to save time by managing your time well, it’s imperative you hire a Chicago car service to help. A Chicago limo service saves you time between meetings, on the way to and from the airport, and to and from events. You have more time to answer emails, to make calls, and to create a list of to-do items. This added time allows you to multitask in a way you couldn’t if you were driving yourself to and from your intended destination.
Prep the Night Before
One way to manage your time well is to prepare the night before. You can prep a to-do list, your clothes for the following day, and your schedule. This kind of prep allows you to go into the following morning feeling more prepared and capable, and it provides you with a head start on the day. This almost always helps you start your day on the right foot with added productivity.
As an entrepreneur, you know your time is money. Everything you do in life not associated with your work costs you money. Now is the time to sit back and do a little math. Consider the task that must be done, how much it will cost you by not working during this time, and decide if delegating is a better alternative. For example, if it takes you an hour to clean the office every week and you make $200 per hour, it’s more cost-effective for you to hire the person who charges $50 for that hour to clean. You’re making money while someone else does the work for you. It’s called delegating, and it’s what makes your life so much easier as a business owner.
Eliminate Distractions
They’re everywhere, and they’re dangerous. If you’re easily distracted, now is the time to turn off text alerts, social media notifications, and your email from updating every time a new email comes through. You need to sit and concentrate without being distracted all the time, and that’s how you learn to be more productive and manage your time more efficiently.
Your time is money, and every second you waste doing something unrelated to work costs you money. It might not seem like much if you add up a few minutes a day, but over the course of a year, you’re losing hundreds or thousands of dollars in income due to wasted time and a lack of productivity.
Whether traveling a couple of states away or halfway around the globe, we all have experienced the effect of jet lag. Our New Jersey limo service friends at Royal Coachman have published a blog with some very useful tips on how to prevent jet lag from sabotaging your business trip. We think it’s worth the read!