How to Persuade People to Attend Events

persuade, attend, event, business, professional, limo serviceGetting people to attend your event is an issue that's key to the success of any event planning endeavor. While there are many small or gimmicky tactics to get people in, a key tool is persuasion and that is the focus of this post. We look to give you a heads up on some of the best persuasion tactics you can use to get more people through the door next time round.

People need to feel good about themselves

A great way to get people to attend an event is to make them feel special. This is what a key thinker and author in the field of persuasion, Dale Carnegie, described as the first commandment: making people feel important.

This means that customer service is critical, as is a good website answering all customers likely needs. It also goes some way to explain the craze for personalized and customized experiences we're increasingly seeing in event management these days. Ask people what they think and need and then be seen to respond personally to each request.

Interested in the person

The premise that attendees needs comes first, an often repeated phrase, may well be true but must be seen in the context of the person behind. Imagine the power of a personal message that went like: "Mr. Smith told us he wanted to now more about a certain field at the next event, so we've found the leading expert to deliver what he needs". As long as the personal concern is valid for the majority this is a useful tool. It also shows the importance of names, as Carnegie said: "Remember that a person's name is, to that person, the sweetest and most important sound in any language."

This is a also a good reason to take a special interest in name badges.

Offer the chance to interact

Events are fundamentally about human interaction. People will be far more likely to attend if they see that they will be offered the chance for quality interaction. You can set this up by letting attendees know exactly how you're trying to make this as easy and valuable as possible.

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Posted on Jun 02 2014