Why You Should Consider Making New Year’s Resolutions for Your Business

The New Year is fast approaching, and while you may be used to setting all those personal resolutions to help you achieve your own goals, have you ever considered doing the same for your business? Here’s why you should be thinking about making your own company resolutions for 2018 and beyond.

  • You can make a fresh start

New Year's resolutions give us a sense of starting over, of forgetting the old and ushering in the new and improved, and the same can be said for business resolutions. Whatever you have achieved or found challenging in your business thus far, try to learn from it and use these lessons to inform your resolutions for 2018. Don’t dwell on the past and use the New Year to give you a fresh, renewed sense of where your business needs to be headed.

  • It gives you perspective

Taking time to step back and assess the focus of your business will help give you better perspective on the bigger picture and what you need to do to eventually achieve these larger-scale goals. It can be all too easy to get caught up in the day-to-day challenges of running a business, but when you allow yourself the time and space to re-evaluate your business goals and set clear resolutions, you’ll find that this will then start to filter down to positively influence your everyday operations too.

  • It encourages you to define your goals

When setting your resolutions, don’t just think about them – write them down! This will force you into thinking about clear, defined criteria that you can monitor and measure as you progress. Don’t be tempted to make grand, sweeping resolutions that are not realistically achievable – carefully define them and make them detailed so that you can feel you are making progress as you move through the year. It is fine to have resolutions of different scales, but make sure you are clear about how you work towards larger, more long-term goals.

  • You will be more likely to stick to resolutions

Once you have written them down, share the resolutions with staff, colleagues, friends, and family. Once you have stated your intentions to others it will be far easier to motivate yourself and others to work towards them.

  • It gives your staff more focus

If you have staff that can help you work towards your new business resolutions then utilize their help! It will help instil greater focus and drive within your team if they feel they are working towards a clear and well-defined objective, and perhaps the resolution will even help improve an aspect of the business they have found problematic in the past. Make sure you hold staff accountable by regularly checking on their progress and ensure that you praise and reward them once they have met a particular goal.

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Posted on Jan 16 2018