5 Ways to Get More From Your Day

Time is Money - ClockTime is the universal equalizer. We all wish we had more of it and that we could make better use of what time we do have. What’s more, is if we could only have these two things the world would be ours; we would rise to the top and we’d be happily spending more time doing things that are the more important to us. This sounds like a tall order and, indeed, a blog post cannot conjure up more time in the day but this one will give you 5 simple tips to ensure you make the best use of the time you have.

1. Prioritize and plan

The military has a saying “failing to plan is planning to fail”; this is true of all things big and small. Before you start your day, in the 10 minutes before you leave the office the night before, make sure you understand what is important for you to achieve and how will you assign your time and resources to achieving it.

2. Synchronize effort

Most people are not in the position to do everything alone, they’ve got to work with others to get things done. So with an idea of what’s important from step one and a rough idea of how you’re going to tackle it, look for areas where others will be able to contribute in a fashion that’s most time efficient. This step could be as small as ensuring your colleagues calendars are synched.

3. Tackle tasks sensibly

We all have times that we work best; some of us are night owls, others are early birds. Either way, the tasks which need the most mental effort should be tackled when this is available.

4. Do less

Trying to do less will give us more time. Many people could actually do this if they were ruthless in prioritizing, better at delegating or more realistic in taking on tasks. This would allow them to do what’s important better and have less stress in getting everything else done. It also forces you to think about which tasks you are doing.

5. Do things to the acceptable standard

Depending what industry you’re in and what task you’re working on, it’s very likely that you are doing some things too well. This statement needs quantifying – a task can be done to an acceptable standard; that is, one that satisfies its objectives. It could also be done to a higher standard than is necessary; this means that more effort, time and resources have gone into it than is necessary. If you’re alert, when you receive a task you should make a quick assessment about how well it needs to be done. This will then ensure you don’t expend too much effort on a task.

We hope that these short tips provide you with some ideas to make the best use of your time. We can offer you concrete assistance in one further area: Pontarelli Transportation can guarantee you world class ground transportation to support your business travel. Based in Chicago and offering services in our home city and, through our affiliates, across the world, we strive to offer nothing but the best quality of service for our many treasured clients and we can definitely save you time! We can offer options for all budgets and occasions so call us today on 800-322-5466 to see if we can give you a better deal.

Posted on Apr 14 2014